
Friday, May 30, 2008

How did the invention of the printing press alter history?

How did the invention of the printing press alter history?

The method of printing from movable type was invented by Johann Gutenberg. He set up his first printing press in 1454.
Gutenberg was born in Mainz in 1398, but he lived the greater part of his life in Strasbourg. Although he worked as an artisan, he spent his free time in printing experiments.
In the 1450’s he retuned to Mainz and began the work of printing a Latin Bible in collaboration with one Johann Fust, who lent him money for this venture. Seeing the difficulty in carving large wooden types, he decided to cast the type in metal. This work was finished around 1456.
Columbus in the New World
Christopher Columbus’s voyages were ‘sponsored’ by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. They agreed to commit three ships – the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria – with crew to undertake the task. It was thus that Columbus landed at San Salvador in the West Indies on October 12, 1492. At that time, he believed that he had reached the Indies in Asia. Thus, unknowingly, he discovered the ‘New World’.

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