
Monday, September 15, 2008

What was the role of Otto Bismarck in the unification of Germany?

What was the role of Otto Bismarck in the unification of Germany?

During the time of the Roman Empire, Germany consisted of many different tribes that formed almost 300 states. These states later formed a part of Napoleon’s empire too. By the time Napoleon was defeated, there were 39 states. The most powerful of these were Austria and Prussia.

There were many efforts to unify Germany after Napoleon, and the man who was finally responsible for doing so was Otto Bismarck. After serving as Prussia’s Ambassador to Russia and France, he became ‘Prime Minister of Prussia’ in 1862. From 1867 on, he was Chancellor of the North German Confederation. When the Franco Prussian was broke out in 1870, Bismarck’s shrewd planning resulted in a decisive victory for Prussia, His efforts to unify Germany became a reality on January 18, 1871. The German Empire was proclaimed on that day with Bismarck as its Chancellor.

Bismarck was undoubtedly one of the significant political figures of modern Germany. Such was his reputation for determination and toughness that he was called the ‘Iron Chancellor’. His legacy to the next generation was 20 years of peace in Europe, and a united Germany.

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